Starting a new saltwater aquarium is a very exciting time however, the start of many saltwater aquariums is often rushed by new aquarists and this can lead to their favorite fish dying in a matter of...
Category: Learning
Live Rock is something you will eventually come across as you begin your research into a saltwater aquarium, but what the heck is it? How can rock be alive? Live Rock is a very beneficial addition...
This is one of the most popular questions for a beginner in this hobby. We all want as many fish as we can put in our aquariums, but we know that if we have too many they will begin to die - So...
There may become a time in your aquarium journey when you have to remove a fish for multiple reasons - Maybe that new fish you should not have bought is a serial killer, a fish has just taken a...
You have been to the fish store or have been perusing the online photos and drolling at some of those incredible aquariums and there is one thing they all have in common, a pristine sandbed. You...
Nano Reef Aquarium - What's that? From looking at the wording you may have come to the conclusion that small has something to do with it. You may have even seen one of these small aquariums at a...