I reached a point in my aquarium where I had placed my first corals and waited several months for them to settle in and start growing, but nothing. I mean squat. They hadn't even grown a...
Category: Pests
Let me guess, you have set up your new saltwater aquarium, it is either in its Nitrogen Cycle or it has just finished and now all of your sand has a brown dusting all over it! Do not worry! These are...
What Is Aiptasia? Easy Ways To Identify & Eradicate This Pest!
Having looked after many aquariums for clients over the years the unknowing aquarist can have an aquarium soon overrun by Aiptasia because they thought it was a coral. By the time most realize what...
Candles, Scented Oils & Air Fresheners – Are They Aquarium Safe?
My wife loves candles and those scented oil heaters and it drives me nuts! I swear we have more candles and oils than socks! But, I had to try and provide her with information to prove they were...
Saltwater Fish To Avoid As A Beginner – 14 Examples With Pictures!
We have all been there in the local fish store, mesmerized by this wonderful fish on the other side of the glass. We ask the store assistant some basic questions about the fish, and before we know...
If you were like me, you may have heard about this thing called coral dipping when you were new to saltwater. Before I was ready for corals I keet seeing this on the forums, yet I had no idea what it...