Mixed saltwater can be safely stored for long periods of time but the question now becomes, what can we safely store that water in? Many aquarists, myself included, like to store a good amount of...
Category: External Equipment
Candles, Scented Oils & Air Fresheners – Are They Aquarium Safe?
My wife loves candles and those scented oil heaters and it drives me nuts! I swear we have more candles and oils than socks! But, I had to try and provide her with information to prove they were...
The world of 3D printing is rapidly becoming more and more popular in people's homes due to the rapid price reduction in printer technology. Most schools, libraries, and craft clubs have printers...
As your saltwater aquarium begins to mature and you find yourself looking at the corals more and more when you go to the fish store, you will soon be learning about 'Dosing'.When you first begin...
When I first got into saltwater I kept hearing all about these reactors but had no idea what they were? To me when I think about reactors my mind goes to Nuclear Reactors! Could the aquarium media...
A canister is the 'Go-To' filter in the freshwater world but as many aquarists move over to a saltwater aquarium one of the first questions they have is if they can reuse their existing equipment -...