For those of you lucky enough to live close to the coast the thought of just dropping by your local beach and grabbing a few bucketfuls of sand for your new aquarium could be tempting. Although...
Category: Maintenance
When any task in life gets repeated often we can fall into the trap of procrastination and just leave it until tomorrow, then the next day and so on. Procrastination on an aquarium especially...
Every aquarist faces this conundrum when they start a new aquarium. The maintenance routine you adopt is usually based on the answer to this question. When you change the water, you will usually...
When I used to keep freshwater aquariums I never tested my water, heck I just used water from the tap! A water change once a month or when the algae got bad and that was about it. Sound familiar? Boy...
Most of you coming from freshwater will have been used to gravel as the substrate in your aquarium, but now you are faced with a plethora of substrates! Which do you use? What grain size? Which...
Bio Balls are a staple for filtration in the freshwater hobby but when many of those hobbyists move to saltwater this question gets asked over and over again. This article is going to fill in the...