Adding coral to an aquarium is what turns it from a fish tank to a slice of the coral reef, but how do you go about creating these beautiful glass boxes when yours is just brand new? I remember...
Category: Internal Equipment
A leak on an aquarium can cause some serious damage if left unnoticed. By owning an aquarium you are going to get water on the floor at times, but the areas we need to pay attention to are the...
This was a question that I asked myself many years ago when I was planning my latest build because I wanted to store both RO/DI water and mixed saltwater so I always have it on hand. Having access to...
Most of you coming from freshwater will have been used to gravel as the substrate in your aquarium, but now you are faced with a plethora of substrates! Which do you use? What grain size? Which...
The world of 3D printing is rapidly becoming more and more popular in people's homes due to the rapid price reduction in printer technology. Most schools, libraries, and craft clubs have printers...
How many times have you walked into a local fish store, someone's home or perusing the forums, and a beautiful reef tank has stopped you dead in your tracks? For me, it has been plenty. To this day I...